Design & Branding

Bait Almarefa - Identity Design

Bait Almarefa is a modern coffee shop and library project in Yemen. It is the first one that serve Yemeni traditional drinks and snacks in modern way. The place has also venues for seminars, presentations and lectures.The Identity was designed using an original arabic script in simple and direct way to represent a real original brand name in the local market.

          [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1200.0"]

  Photos from Bait Almarefa - Photo credit: Bait Almarefa

  Photos from Bait Almarefa - Photo credit: Bait Almarefa  [/caption]          

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The task was to design an iconic, simple and recognizable logo mark. The identity was meant to keep its strengh in all social media website, online and offline applications. The final result was visual transformation of the brand literal meaning using the first letter of its name into unique visual logo symbol.

National Microfinance Foundation

The new identity design of the National Microfinance Foundation. The logo was inspired from the coin designs. The coin is a recognizable symbol which used primarily as a medium of exchange and that is a key role that the foundation is doing for communities and individuals.